We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations, baptizing believers and teaching believers to obey all Jesus commanded (Matthew 28.18-20)

We believe we can accomplish this by God’s grace using these Core Values…



Preaching/teaching/reading/hearing the whole counsel of God, singing the Word with gratitude to God, praying the Word to see His Kingdom come, seeing the Word in baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 6.9-15; Matthew 28.18-20; Acts 2.42, Acts 20.17-38, Ephesians 5.19-20, 1 Tim 4.13); this upward focus emphasizes the Church’s relationship with God.

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Loving and serving one another to help make each other more like Christ (John 13, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4); this inward focus emphasizes the Church’s relationship with each other

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 Preaching the gospel in hopes that unbelievers become worshipers (Matthew 28.18-20, Acts 1.8); this involves evangelism to unbelievers at home and abroad; this outward focus emphasizes the Church’s relationship with the world.

We believe we can uphold these core values faithfully by urging every member to make these 3 Core Commitments…


Corporate Worship

 Though we can worship God in spirit and truth anytime and anywhere, we believe gathering as one body on the day of the resurrection is central to a life of worship. This is where the prophetic Word of God will be proclaimed every week. Sundays, 10:15am

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Prayer and Sunday School

Though we have teaching and prayer in all our gatherings, we get to emphasize them here. Prayer gatherings allow every member to pray more intimately with each other; Sunday School is our Christian education and discipleship program. It also allows more member dialogue. Sundays, 9am

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Small Gatherings

Though we hope Christians connect with each other organically, we do exhort small group intentionality for further discipleship and disciple-making. Care groups, men/women’s groups, or informal one-on-one, various times

We believe corporate evangelism can happen through all three of these commitments, and that they can strengthen you for personal evangelism.