Advancing the Gospel for the Glory of Jesus Christ

Kailua Baptist Church exists to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ by making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded.

Sunday Services

1080 Kailua Rd, Kailua, HI 96734            


9:15am- Fellowship/coffee time on the playground (Adult & Children Sunday school classes will resume in February)

10:15am Corporate Worship Gathering

(Childcare 2 & under downstairs, and also nursing moms room)

Fellowship meal following service when available

5:30 pm Sunday Evening Worship

Information on mid-week fellowship opportunities in Sunday’s bulletin

This Past Lord’s Day Liturgy

Call to Worship: Psalm 40:1-11

Song of Praise: Tell Out My Soul (47)

Prayer of Praise and Adoration

Song of Praise: There Is a Redeemer (201)

OT Reading: Haggai 2:1-9

Corporate Confession of Sin

Lord of Hosts,

We confess to you that we are weak; apart from you we can do nothing. You give us good work each day, but we leave too many things undone. You promise to be with us, but we have given you reason to yearn jealously over the Spirit you made to dwell in us. We confess that we fear many of the things the world fears; perfect love is yet to be formed in us.

We are truly sorry, O Lord, and we humbly ask forgiveness. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, pardon us once again, and renew us in the life of the Trinity. Help us to behold latter glory in the present, so that we might walk in newness of life. In Jesus name, amen.

Moment of Silent Confession of Sin

Assurance of Pardon: Romans 8:1

Song of Thanksgiving: Grace and Peace

Pastoral Prayer of Supplication

NT Reading: Hebrews 12:25-29

Preaching of the Word: Haggai 2

“God will shake the nations"

Prayer for Fruit

Communion with Christ and each other

Welcoming to/Fencing of the Table

Confessing our Faith: Chalcedon Doctrine of Christ

Explanation of Distribution

Prayer for the Sacrament and Unbelievers

Communion Song: Grace Greater Than Our Sin (78)

Eating and Drinking Together

Words of Institution: Matthew 26:26-29

Song in Response to the Gospel: This Is My Father’s World (31)

Closing Prayer


Upcoming Sermons


January 26


AM Service- Zechariah 1 (Todd Morikawa)

PM Service- Orthodox Catechism #32 (James Curry)

February 2


AM Service- Zechariah 2 (Todd Morikawa)

PM Service- Orthodox Catechism #33 (James Curry)

February 9

February 16


AM Service- Zechariah 3 (Todd Morikawa)

PM Service- Orthodox Catechism #34 (James Curry)

AM Service- Zechariah 4 (Todd Morikawa)

PM Service- Orthodox Catechism #35-36 (James Curry)